Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lessons from Dr. Hale

Dr. Frank W. Hale Jr. passed away recently and I attended his funeral on this past Sunday. The ceremony was amazing and I got the chance to learn so much more about him that I did not know. I am so blessed to have had the chance to have him as a mentor. Here are a few lessons I learned from "Doc" that I will take with me forever. 

  • If you walk with God, he will walk with you EVERYWHERE.
  • Don't just dream. Start doing so that you can live the dream.
  • Always write down your thoughts. Eventually you can compile them to share with others.
  • Dream Big. Why not be a college president?
  • You are unique and you have things that others don't have. So, never count yourself out.
  • It is not okay to except unfair or discriminatory treatment.
  • Stand up for those who may not have a voice.
  • Focus on service and all the things that are important will come just in time.
  • God loves you. Spread that love.
These are just a few things that I learned from Dr. Hale. I hope to pass these lessons on as he did. To read more about my experience with Dr. Hale, click here.

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