Thursday, August 16, 2012

Baby Shower: Born to be Wild

My god-daughter, Jada is 3 months old. Needless to say, I am a bit delayed on blogging about the baby shower, but "It's better late than never." We decided on a "Born to Be Wild" theme with hot pink, orange, green, and zebra print. I was a little nervous about the wild theme, but Sequena Monet, the mom-to-be (at the time) and one of my best friends, has always encouraged me to be "less boring." After planning this shower, I am convinced that I should be an event planner, LOL. Well, I hope you enjoy....
 Monet and I

 One of the Tables

 Cake and Cupcakes from A Piece of Cake.
 Jada Pria Monet Graham
Aren't her little booties the cutest? I can't wait until it gets warm enough for her to wear them.

 Courtesy of Monet's mom. A diaper stroller and Monet's childhood doll.



 Monet and her mom. Twins!

 Monet and her elementary school teacher, Mrs. Long.

 Designed with Love.

The happy parents and Monet's aunt.

Fun times. I don't know why I don't have pictures of Ralonda, Ashleigh, or my mom, but I definitely want to thank them for all of their help.

Love you ladies.

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