I have two main resolutions for this year...
- Develop a 30 before 30 list by June of this year and start working on this.
- Maintain more balance in my life.
Create goals that are SMART
- Specific- Be very specific about what you want to accomplish. So instead of maintaing a more balanced life. I will evaluate my life and write down the specific thing I need to do to make sure my life is balanced.
- Measurable- I always ask how will I know (using my five senses that I reached my goal). Using my balance example... I will know when I have reached my goal when I am spending two hours a day everyday during the week dedicated to my family and when I am only spending one day of the weekend doing work.
- Attainable- While I am all about setting high goals for yourself, make sure you set goals that have a realistic plan to get you where you want to go. For example, I gave myself for six months to develop a 30 before 30 list. I think this is very realistic and it gives me time to develop a list that is meaningful and that I will actually stick to.
- Relevant- If it is not relevant, you won't make it past week 1.
- Time Bound- How long do you want to work on this goal?
Happy New Year!