Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lessons from Dr. Hale

Dr. Frank W. Hale Jr. passed away recently and I attended his funeral on this past Sunday. The ceremony was amazing and I got the chance to learn so much more about him that I did not know. I am so blessed to have had the chance to have him as a mentor. Here are a few lessons I learned from "Doc" that I will take with me forever. 

  • If you walk with God, he will walk with you EVERYWHERE.
  • Don't just dream. Start doing so that you can live the dream.
  • Always write down your thoughts. Eventually you can compile them to share with others.
  • Dream Big. Why not be a college president?
  • You are unique and you have things that others don't have. So, never count yourself out.
  • It is not okay to except unfair or discriminatory treatment.
  • Stand up for those who may not have a voice.
  • Focus on service and all the things that are important will come just in time.
  • God loves you. Spread that love.
These are just a few things that I learned from Dr. Hale. I hope to pass these lessons on as he did. To read more about my experience with Dr. Hale, click here.

Do You Want to Know What the PhD Process is Like?

While going through the PhD process, I often had people ask me what it was like and what I was doing. So, I decided to blog through part of the process. You can learn more about the process at The Pursuit of a PhD. I will also add tips about the PhD process and any information that I think of that may be useful to those pursuing a PhD. I hope you enjoy this blog, as well. And I hope that some of you decide to.... pursue a PhD.

PhD in Hand! Now What?

I have dreamed of owning a PhD from as early as I can remember. At the age of 26, all of that hard work finally paid off and I earned my degree. My graduation from The Ohio State University, was very special to me and I have never felt so proud. So many people that I didn't even know reached out to me to show their love and appreciation. I must admit it was overwhelming. Now that graduation is over and I am now carrying those three letters behind my name, what does it mean? What will I do with it? Will I allow it to mean anything? Well... We Shall See. I invite you to follow me on my journey of exploring this my new life with a PhD.